Photoshop logo old

User description

For photoshop logo old 10 images found by accurate search and more added by similar match. Meaning adobe logo and symbol, photoshop logo old. Photoshop logo old and new, happy birthday dear photoshop. Here is how to get the good old photoshop version back. Adobe photoshop, adobe photoshop celebrates, adobe photoshop retro logo, how to convert a. Photoshop history from photoshop.

800 x 400 103 0
248 x 242 82 0
160 x 287 82 0
462 x 240 82 0
670 x 320 78 0
1200 x 1170 89 1
660 x 347 85 0
630 x 630 113 0
1280 x 720 82 0
1145 x 380 3 0