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600 x 630 121 0
960 x 720 155 1
820 x 464 52 0
274 x 194 49 4
600 x 600 10 0
1200 x 1200 5 0
358 x 288 9 0
845 x 366 8 0
820 x 623 9 0
320 x 241 8 0
550 x 520 149 0
550 x 443 99 0
535 x 475 172 1
525 x 465 85 1
735 x 1262 51 3
433 x 596 35 0
1953 x 1418 26 0
900 x 675 17 0
300 x 276 11 0
432 x 432 183 0
600 x 384 172 1
1600 x 620 196 3
1024 x 600 167 2
600 x 333 188 5
960 x 960 149 1
800 x 519 149 1
628 x 472 168 0
1483 x 1088 165 0
600 x 481 129 0
595 x 493 162 3
2051 x 936 143 2
500 x 500 39 1
600 x 473 135 0
1532 x 385 42 0
1350 x 450 227 2
236 x 236 145 0
1825 x 594 101 0
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385 x 250 143 4
1256 x 1280 123 19
2031 x 744 101 0
432 x 432 21 0
1600 x 955 30 0
1080 x 1080 37 0
425 x 340 26 0
703 x 556 37 0
420 x 270 31 0
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467 x 500 160 0
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236 x 236 138 2
300 x 304 135 1
576 x 472 134 0
296 x 500 135 1
300 x 300 46 2
791 x 755 44 1
558 x 457 55 1
343 x 500 59 1
500 x 500 38 0
564 x 444 54 0
432 x 432 147 0
650 x 416 40 0
328 x 146 32 0
820 x 246 63 6
1200 x 946 34 1
2031 x 744 32 2
236 x 236 28 0
720 x 607 34 0
210 x 195 128 0
480 x 500 126 0
600 x 481 37 0
600 x 547 30 1
820 x 609 32 1
1300 x 1260 35 0
210 x 166 36 0
165 x 138 21 0
667 x 500 26 0
640 x 480 30 0
734 x 526 30 0
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718 x 1200 63 2
600 x 473 97 0
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963 x 908 29 0
628 x 472 143 1
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600 x 481 51 6
474 x 373 40 1
1532 x 385 54 3
500 x 377 42 2
300 x 200 46 0
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432 x 432 43 1
1024 x 261 125 9
236 x 236 88 1
1000 x 1000 127 0
1476 x 1625 68 3
236 x 236 78 0
273 x 570 76 3
2548 x 3297 80 2
640 x 480 60 3
792 x 1154 77 0
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1280 x 720 50 1
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336 x 371 32 0
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263 x 350 59 1
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436 x 286 72 0
365 x 282 45 0
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350 x 298 91 0
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562 x 520 32 0
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728 x 183 49 3
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820 x 561 46 0
236 x 398 136 0
300 x 300 151 0
300 x 300 137 1
432 x 432 158 0
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1018 x 1920 78 1
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550 x 434 24 0
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307 x 203 141 0
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445 x 500 137 0
288 x 195 148 0
1024 x 257 45 1
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561 x 600 132 0
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654 x 392 132 0
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768 x 768 36 0
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512 x 326 62 0
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600 x 333 40 0
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320 x 201 36 0
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3888 x 2592 25 0
445 x 500 38 0
236 x 225 111 2
6684 x 5806 60 0
791 x 1024 65 0
300 x 300 43 1
570 x 570 25 0
1024 x 778 23 0
640 x 640 18 0
838 x 616 16 0
400 x 390 15 0
570 x 598 28 0
180 x 148 71 0
1001 x 601 35 0
900 x 240 36 0
900 x 580 44 4
180 x 148 36 0
359 x 359 222 2
566 x 525 158 0
845 x 366 134 1
1240 x 1240 93 6
640 x 624 109 0
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2327 x 2406 7 0
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770 x 1024 44 0
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235 x 354 45 1
306 x 392 24 0
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570 x 570 13 0
350 x 350 13 0
1200 x 800 13 0
300 x 300 16 0
472 x 413 125 0
1227 x 992 66 4
450 x 295 14 0
285 x 400 95 0
570 x 570 99 0
375 x 549 107 0
486 x 500 102 0
550 x 443 35 0
570 x 570 13 0
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215 x 500 12 0
920 x 707 9 0
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210 x 166 21 0
369 x 368 28 0
650 x 650 12 0
776 x 697 15 0
344 x 268 162 5
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236 x 252 25 0
400 x 400 20 0
300 x 300 12 1
640 x 870 18 0
356 x 500 96 0
416 x 500 113 0
358 x 288 114 0
600 x 600 13 0
1484 x 1564 59 1
900 x 560 59 0
1405 x 1600 26 0
880 x 691 33 0
728 x 580 6 0
432 x 432 18 0
800 x 827 6 0
900 x 900 5 0
894 x 712 182 7
2400 x 1367 203 5
216 x 220 23 0
1200 x 800 36 0
570 x 570 21 0
1440 x 1393 17 0
728 x 808 18 0
920 x 561 16 0
236 x 215 18 0
352 x 276 10 0
1260 x 945 41 0
226 x 500 17 0
453 x 312 6 0
640 x 295 11 0
600 x 600 18 0
2000 x 2000 5 0
397 x 500 192 0
819 x 886 165 9
963 x 908 182 8
446 x 500 160 1
432 x 432 155 1
250 x 254 162 3
2664 x 1181 141 0
400 x 349 71 0
1024 x 768 57 2
687 x 750 60 1
927 x 1200 65 0
910 x 607 58 0
1484 x 1564 60 0
296 x 500 55 0
1000 x 1000 38 2
728 x 768 11 0
1501 x 1001 3 0